Your Lawyer
in the Czech Republic
Legal assistance from experienced specialists for expats in the Czech Republic.
“I am your lawyer in Czechia. We will speak the same language. I will help handle your business, real estate and family-related issues. A level of service that you’re used to – combined with transparency and ethics that are integral to the Czech legal field. Make yourself at home.”
Oleksandr Vovchuk
Your Lawyer
in the Czech Republic
Family law attorney
from CZK 3,000/hour
+ 21% VAT
Labor law attorney
from CZK 3,000/hour + 21% VAT or 15-25% of theamount won in court
Representation in court
from CZK 3,000/hour + 21% VAT or 15-25% of theamount won in court
Real estate attorney
from CZK 3,000/hour
+ 21% VAT
IT lawyer and sole proprietorship support
from CZK 3,000/hour
+ 21% VAT
Legal matters in other fields
from CZK 3,000/hour
+ 21% VAT
In addition to the aforementioned sets of services, our lawyers provide comprehensive legal services with an emphasis on litigation. The hourly rate is CZK 2,500-3,000 + 21% VAT depending on the work volume and the level of complicity of the customer’s case. When it comes to long-term cooperation, we are flexible and agree upon cooperation in a format that is convenient for you (lower fixed rates and lower hourly rates).If the price is not agreed upon, our non-contractual compensation will be determined in accordance with the Regulation of the Ministry of Justice No.177/1996 Coll. on fees and remuneration of lawyers for the provision of legal services (the lawyer’s tariff) – available here.
Why us?

- We offer legal assistance in the field of Czech law in your native language;
- We offer services at the intersection of Ukrainian and Czech legal frameworks;
- We also cooperate with Ukrainians who specialize in Ukrainian law;
- Only highly qualified Czech attorneys;
- Our team consists of graduates of the best Czech and Ukrainian universities who have internship experience in the United Kingdom;
- More tha 120 cases won in court;
- More than 1000 customers whose interests were defended;
- We help Ukraine – Petr Němec helped fundraise about $1 million.

And our other colleagues from AK PETR NĚMEC law firm

Payment options
Hourly fee
- Exact match with the amount of work;
- It’s a good option if you need one-off legal help, or if you need it from time to time.
Subscription fee
- Predictable expenses;
- Cheaper than if you pay separately foreach service;
- Comprehensive assistance;
- The maximum level of involvement in your case.
Percentage of the amount won
- For court cases with high disputed amounts;
- Sometimes it is combined with the hourly rate.
Fixed fee
- Predictable expenses;
- This is the best option when you need one-off legal assistance.
In the media
Any questions?
We are available

Contact details
- Office address
- Working hours
9:00 – 18:00
- Phone number